Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
August 26, 2022
Chairperson and Members
Board of Land and Natural Resources
State of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii
Land Board Members:
SUBJECT: Authorize the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation to Issue a
Request for Proposals for Development of Public Lands at the Ala Wai
Small Boat Harbor, Kalia, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Tax Map Key Plat Nos.: (1) 2-3-037 and (1) 2-6-010
Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation
Sections 171-6, 171-11, 171-13, 171-16, 171-17, 171-18, 171-19, 171-35, 171-36, 171-
41, 171-53, 171-59, and other applicable sections of Chapter 171; sections 200-2.5, 200-
2.6 and other applicable sections of Chapter 200; Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), as
amended. Session Laws of Hawaii 2011 Act 197, Section 9, Subsection (g)
Government lands situated at Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor (AWSBH), Kalia, Honolulu,
Island of Oahu, identified by Tax Map Keys: (1) 2-3-037:012 (por.), :020, :024, :026,
:033, :034; and (1) 2-6-010:003 (por.), :005, :016. These parcels shall collectively be
referenced as the "Subject Property." Basic property information is summarized in the
table shown in Exhibit C. The total area for development is approximately 11 acres
and includes certain fast and submerged or reclaimed (filled) lands. The Subject
Property is
Additional submerged lands may be included within the leased area subject to legislative
approval to lease submerged lands.
Item J-1
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Section 5(a) and 5(b) lands of the Hawaii Admission Act
DHHL 30% entitlement lands pursuant to the Hawaii State Constitution: No
UTILITIES: All utilities are available at the harbor.
EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS: Including but not limited to paved roads, parking
equipment, parking stalls, potable water lines, sewer system, public restrooms, harbor
office, lighting, slips, piers, ramps, wash down area and outdoor showers.
Fixed and floating docks may be included within the leased area subject to legislative
approval to lease submerged lands.
LEGAL ACCESS: There is legal access from Ala Moana Boulevard connecting to Holo
Moana Street, Hobron Lane and Kahanamoku Street.
Within the AWSBH, there are currently 3-Leases (not included in the Subject Property),
5-Revocable Permits (RP), (an additional RP is conditioned on County permit approval)
and 1 Mobile Food Concession. The Subject Property is managed by DOBOR as part of
the AWSBH.
Exhibit A-1 Depicts AWSBH encumbrances, which may affect or adjoin the Subject
Exhibit A-2 Depicts the current parking plan, which may affect or adjoin the Subject
Exhibit A-3 Summarizes the AWSBH encumbrances, which may affect or adjoin the
Subject Property.
Exhibit B Depicts Parcels A thru D and Moles 1 and 2 shown in the 2019 RFP.
Parcel A: TMK Nos. (1) 2-3-037:012 (por.), :024, :033 and :034
Harbor management office single story
Paid parking stalls
Public restroom
Washdown area
Trailer boat storage
Parcel B: TMK Nos. (1) 2-6-010:003 (por.), :005, :016.
Public restroom
Boat ramp
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RP to Blue Water Shrimp International LLC pending county
Pedestrian access to/from Ala Moana Blvd.
Parcel C: TMK Nos. (1) 2-3-037:020
Single story structure
Storage and Catamaran mooring, HBM, LLC RP
Parcel D: TMK No. (1) 2-3-037:012 (por.)
Parking Permit only
Kiosk Parasail ticket booth, Hawaiian Parasail, Inc. RP
Pier for parasail boat
Mole 1: TMK No. (1) 2-3-037:012 (por.)
Parking - Permit and free
Public restroom
Access to fuel pier, Parcel C.
Pier support mooring cleats, boat lockers, boat power and water.
Mole 2: TMK no. (1) 2-3-037:012 (por.)
Parking - Permit only
Public restroom
Access to lessee Hawaii Yacht Club (lease BO-99-2) which expires
on July 29, 2034.
- RP
Pier support mooring cleats, boat lockers, boat power and water.
Prior to issuance of a lease, such uses that are inconsistent with the lease of the Subject
Property will need to be terminated. DOBOR is requesting the Board to authorize the
cancellation of revocable permits, concessions and contracts and delegate authority to
the Chairperson to determine when the cancellations shall take effect.
HRS Section l71-59(a) provides that a lease of public land may be disposed of through
negotiation upon a finding by the Board that the public interest demands it.
The statute also provides a process under which the Board may select the lessee. The
statute requires DLNR to: (i) provide public notice of its intention to lease public land
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through negotiation; (ii) establish reasonable criteria for the selection of the lessee; (iii)
determine the applicants who meet the criteria for selection; and (iv) select the lessee
that submits the highest most responsible offer.
In the alternative, HRS Section 171-59(b) allows for disposition by negotiation if the use
meets certain categorical criteria (e.g., marine, maritime, and maritime-related
operations) provided that such lease encourages competition within such type of
The selected applicant shall be required to comply with all HRS Chapter 343 and HAR
Chapter 11-200 environmental requirements regarding the selected applicant's proposed
use of the Subject Property during the development agreement phase of the project, and
prior to any disposition by lease. The issuance of a lease shall be subject to compliance
with Chapter 343, which may require the issuance of an Environmental Assessment (EA)
with Finding of No Significant Impact ("FONSI") or Environmental Impact Statement
("EIS"). T a final EA-FONSI and/or EIS is required prior to issuance
of a lease.
As a pre-condition to the issuance of a lease, the applicant selected through the RFP
process shall also fulfill any and all federal, state and county governmental requirements.
The prior Lessee to Parcels B and C under State Boating Lease BO-13120, obtained a
final EA/FONSI on October 8, 2010 (dated Sept. 21,
project) and supplemental Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) also on October 8,
2010 (dated July 30, 2010) to account for traffic impacts. The FEA also cited a Phase I
Environmental Site Assessment prepared on January 12, 2004,
(Parcel C). These documents will be made available to all prospective applicants.
Boating Lease No. BO-13120 was issued to Honey Bee USA, Inc. for Parcels B and C on
Dec. 6, 2013 and terminated on November 15, 2015.
Parcel B was previously the site of a haul out facility. License No. 74 was issued to Ala
Wai Boat Works, Ltd. on April 27, 1953, and expired on April 30, 2004. Ala Wai Marine,
Ltd. was a holdover tenant to License No. 74, and had been cited by the Department of
Health Clean Water Branch for discharge and permit violations. Ala Wai Marine, Ltd. held
a revocable permit (RP No. B-93-39) effective August 14, 1993, for boat storage and
parking purposes until it was vacated in February 2009.
Parcel C was the subject of revocable permits, including RP No. B-03-06 to Magic Island
Petroleum, Inc. (MIP) to operate a fuel facility and convenience store on December 1,
2002. The facility was in poor condition and required substantial upgrades and repairs.
MIP indicated it would be uneconomical to invest substantial sums of money for repairs
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without a long-term lease. It is currently being used for catamaran storage by HBM, LLC
under a revocable permit. The Makai pier recently collapsed in January 2022.
At its meeting held on April 13, 2018, under agenda item J-4, the Board instructed
DOBOR to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for development of public lands at
AWSBH. The RFP process was completed in 2019 and did not result in a lease. A
subsequent request was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021.
Vision: The Subject Property is located within AWSBH, which is the largest recreational
harbor in the State and is situated at the Ewa end of Waikiki. DOBOR intends to issue
an RFP to invite responsible applicants to partner with it in achieving its vision for AWSBH
in the public interest. The goal is to transform the harbor into a world-class marina that
meets the needs of residents and visitors who use the ocean for a myriad of activities.
This transformation includes development of the fast lands to improve the aesthetics of
the harbor especially since it is considered a gateway to Waikiki, improvement of the
harbor and management services provided to tenants, and the development of DOBOR
managed fast (and submerged/reclaimed) lands in this area to support the community
and recreational activities of this legendary area. DOBOR is eager to optimize the use of
AWSBH in keeping with the conservation mission of the Department. To this end, its
vision includes helping mitigate environmental concerns in the area, including water
quality management, and working with local and regional entities such as the Seabin
Foundation, Ala Wai Watershed Coalition, Waikiki Beach Special Improvement District
Association, and others. The Division seeks a partner that will help it attain Clean Marina
certification or other appropriate designations. Finally, the Division wishes to partner with
the Division of Aquatic Resources on th
announced at the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress, specifically the 30 by 30
initiative and seeks
a marina partner that will help it attain these goals.
In 2021, DOBOR requested assistance from the University of Hawaii Community Design
Center (UHCDC) who prepared an Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Vision Report. The report
has been completed and DOBOR proposes that it be used to help provide guidance to
potential bidders. The report can be viewed on the DLNR-DOBOR website via the
following link:
Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation | Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Vision Report (June 2022)
Rationale for RFP: DOBOR believes a Request for Proposals (RFP) method of
procurement should be used to safeguard the public trust. Elements such as experience,
past performance, resources, method of approach, and other criteria will be considered
when selecting the successful applicant. An auction process would simply award the
contract to the highest bidder, not necessarily one that shares in partnering with DOBOR
and its vision for the AWSBH. DOBOR does not possess the expertise or funding for this
undertaking and believes this facility should be upgraded under a lease arrangement with
a private entity. Such an arrangement has excellent potential to increase the lease rent
revenues generated to support operations. DOBOR will review submitted
proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP.
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Capital Improvements: DOBOR has been implementing a comprehensive improvement
plan for the AWSBH. As part of this plan, since 2008, floating docks "B", "C", "D" and "F"
have been completely rebuilt and placed into service. DOBOR has also replaced the
concrete piers and revetment of the 700-row, replaced debris catchment, completed
roadway and parking lot repairs, and upgraded electrical, telephone and water utilities.
DOBOR is planning to upgrade the in the sewer system when CIP funds are made
available. The 700-row piers were replaced in 2012 and improvements to the 600-row
have begun with six new piers having been recently installed. The water lines are in the
process of being replaced and is projected to be completed by the end of 2022.
To better manage public harbors in other parts of the country, private partnerships have
brought more capital for much needed infrastructure development, optimized revenue to
honor the public interest, and freed up these states to carry out their original mandates
more effectively. This has been successfully done through leases in Keehi Lagoon with
Keehi Marine, Inc. and La Mariana Sailing Club. To help it leverage CIP funds
appropriated by the Legislature, DOBOR requests authorization for an RFP for a long-
term lease so that the successful applicant may partner with DOBOR to bring AWSBH
the improvements that it desperately needs.
Harbor Management: Management of AWSBH has consumed a disproportionate
amount of staff time and financial resources. A development proposal which incorporates
harbor management functions as part of redevelopment may be favored in order to
promote efficiency of marina operation and allow staff to focus on ocean recreation
management which has become a major priority due to the ever-increasing demands on
conservation and sustainable use.
Nationwide, states do not generally operate recreational harbors and marinas and where
they do, they widely use third parties to manage them. Using third party harbor
management, governments in other states have shown a good track record of efficiency
and optimization of revenue. The City of Chicago has the largest municipal marina
system in the U.S. It began using third party management of its 6,000 slips (three times
the number in the entire State of Hawaii) in the early 1990s and has not looked back. Its
revenues went from zero in 1995 to $13 million per year in 2015. Similar trends can be
has shown a similar trend.
n to qualified applicants to submit
proposals for harbor redevelopment at AWSBH for the Subject Property. Request for
Qualifications will be incorporated into the RFP and will request the requisite information
from interested parties. An evaluation committee selected by the Chair and the Division
will review the applications and determine which applicants meet the eligibility criteria to
submit development proposals.
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Upon selection by the committee, the successful Applicant and its proposal must be
approved by the Board at a board meeting open to the public. Should the Board approve
the selected Applicant and proposal, the selected Applicant and DLNR will commence
exclusive negotiations of a development agreement and proposed lease for the Subject
Property with the approved Applicant.
Accommodation Requirements: The Developer shall provide office space and related
utilities for harbor management staff. The square footage of the office space shall be
equal to or greater than the current harbor office unless otherwise agreed to by the
Department. The Developer shall provide storage space for miscellaneous harbor
materials that is at least one thousand (1,000) square feet. The Developer shall provide
a minimum of ten (10) parking stalls to be used by harbor management staff and
associated vehicle parking at no charge. This requirement may be subject to change
should the Department receive the necessary approvals from the Hawaii State Legislature
to lease submerged lands that include the slips and mooring spaces within the harbor.
The Developer shall follow the existing parking plan approved by the Board of Land and
Natural Resources (Board) that provides for a minimum of three hundred (300) free public
parking stalls, for a minimum of three hundred twelve (312) permit parking stalls for harbor
tenants with valid mooring permits, and for a minimum of three hundred twenty-nine (329)
paid parking stalls according to approved parking rates. The current parking plan is
subject to change depending on the type and configuration of the new development
project. See Exhibit A-2 for the existing parking plan. Any changes to this parking plan
shall be approved by the Board. Access for State Department of Transportation (DOT)
personnel to inspect the lower footings of Ala Wai Canal bridge and State personnel to
inspect waste catchment areas near the same location also needs to be accommodated.
Character of Use: The Subject Property may include any use(s) allowed under the
Hawaii Revised Statutes, City and County of the Honolulu Zoning Code, Special
Management Area Ordinances for the Subject Property, the Waikiki Special Design
District and as provided in SLH 2011 Act 197, using the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Vision
Report as guidance.
The selected Applicant (aka Developer) may need to undertake various predevelopment
activities before a lease can be issued and construction can commence i.e., due
diligence; comply with HRS Chapter 343 requirements and county permitting and as
provided in SLH 2011, Act 197.
The Developer will also be required to submit evidence of the
capacity to complete the proposed development, including personal guarantees
(construction bond); a lease rent proposal, a development agreement rent proposal, and
a development timetable.
The Developer will be allowed to use only those submerged lands that have been
approved by the Legislature subject to the Developer acquiring all required approvals.
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A Development Agreement will be negotiated with the selected Developer, in which the
agreement will set forth the predevelopment terms and conditions that the selected
Developer must perform (including payment of development agreement rental fees) for a
lease to be issued.
The proposed lease shall include a survey map and descriptions of the Subject Property
and easements according to State Department of Accounting and General Services
Lease Term:
Anticipated to be up to Sixty-five (65) years (as stated in HRS §200-2.5, or
according to §171-59, as applicable).
Minimum Annual Rent: To be determined by the selected Applicant's proposal, but not
less than the fair market rental, as determined by staff or independent appraisal, subject
to review and approval by the Chairperson.
That the Board of Land and Natural Resources:
1. Find that the public interest demands that a lease for the Subject Property may be
disposed of through negotiation pursuant to HRS Section 171-59(a) or any
applicable section of HRS Chapter 171;
Delegate the authority to the Chairperson
(i) to publish a Request for Proposals ("RFP") consistent with HRS §171-59
for the selection of the lessee for redevelopment of Ala Wai Small Boat
(ii) establish a selection committee.
(iii) establish the criteria for evaluating and selecting the lessee;
(iv) accept and evaluate the applications submitted by prospective lessees;
(v) make a preliminary determination and recommendation to the Board of the
best applicant;
3. Authorize and approve the Chairperson to negotiate and approve any
modifications to the RFP process or requirements, if in the best interests of the
State and consistent with HRS Section 171-59, and any other recommendation as
discussed above, and subject to review and approval of the Department of the
Attorney General.
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Respectfully Submitted,
EDWARD R. UNDERWOOD, Administrator
Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation
SUZANNE D. CASE, Chairperson
Board of Land and Natural Resources
A-1 Map of AWSBH Encumbrances
A-2 Current Parking Plan
A-3 List of Encumbrances
B Map of the Harbor showing Parcels A, B, C, and D, and Moles 1 and 2
C Parcel Information
Exhibit A-1
Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor
Parasail, Inc.
RP 10 - 36 Sq. Ft.
Honolulu Transpac, Ltd.
RP 11 699 Sq. Ft.
RP 39 15,202 Sq. Ft.
Galley Foods
(Food Truck
Hawaii Hot Dogs
RP 115 160 Sq. Ft.
Pending RP
9,000 Sq. Ft.
Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
till 1/29/52
Waikiki Yacht Club
(Lease till 7/29/34)
Hawaii Yacht Club
(Lease till 1/28/34)
Exhibit A-1
Exhibit A-2
Exhibit A-2
Parking Plan
Permit Parking
(312 Stalls)
Paid Parking
(329 Stalls)
Free Recreational
(300 Stalls)
Tenant Notes
RP No.
TMK Purpose
County Zoning Info
Secure Parking
Hawaii LLC
for parking
on Moles 1
and 2
(1) 2-3-
Parking Concession Contract
P-2 General Preservation
District*, Public Precinct
(Waikiki Special District)**,
Resort Mixed Use Precinct
(Waikiki Special District)
Galley Foods,
(1) 2-3-
037:012 (por.)
Mobile Concession Food Truck
P-2 General Preservation
District*, Public Precinct
(Waikiki Special District)**,
Resort Mixed Use Precinct
Waikiki S
ecial District
John's World
Famous Hawaii
Hot Dogs LLC
RP 115
(1) 2-3-
037:012 (por.)
Mobile Concession Food Cart
P-2 General Preservation
District*, Public Precinct
(Waikiki Special District)**,
Resort Mixed Use Precinct
Waikiki S
ecial District
Hawaii Prince
Hotel Waikiki
Lease H-87-25
(1) 2-6-
010:008 (1)
Easement used by the Hawaii
Prince for a Port Cochere
Public Precinct (Waikiki
Special District)**
Hawaii Yacht
Lease B-99-2
(1) 2-3-
Yacht Club Purposes
Public Precinct (Waikiki
ecial District
Waikiki Yacht
Lease B-99-1
(1) 2-3-
037:006, 012
Yacht Club Purposes
P-2 General Preservation
District*, Public Precinct
Waikiki S
ecial District
Parasail, Inc.
RP 10
(1) 2-3-
037:012 (por.)
Ticket Booth
P-2 General Preservation
District*, Public Precinct
(Waikiki Special District)**,
Resort Mixed Use Precinct
Waikiki S
ecial District
ac, Ltd.
RP 11
(1) 2-3-
Office Space
Public Precinct (Waikiki
ecial District
RP 39
(1) 2-3-
Revocable Permit issued to
HBM, LLC for vessel moorage
Public Precinct (Waikiki
Special District)**
M Waikiki, LLC
(1) 2-3-
037:012 (por.)
To conduct pool deck and
outdoor dining activities within
the portion of certain elevated
deck abuttin
Public Precinct (Waikiki
Special District)**
Exhibit A-3
Exhibit A-3
Current Encumbrances, AWSBH
*Lands zoned under the P-2 general preservation district are intended to preserve major open space, recreation lands,
and lands of scenic and other natural resource value. Areas designated urban by the state but well suited to the
functions of providing visual relief and contrast to the city's built environment or serving as outdoor space for the public's
use and enjoyment are also zoned in this district.
**Lands zoned under the Waikiki Special District are subject to the standards found in the Waikiki Special District Design
Exhibit B
Aerial Map of Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Parcels A, B, C, D, and Moles 1 and 2
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit C