Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Underwritten by Markel International Insurance Company Limited
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Claims 24-hour helpline (UK only)
0333 323 1129
For all motor related claims enquires
Claims 24-hour helpline (when calling from abroad)
+44 1925 422726
For all motor related claims enquiries
Hagerty customer services
0333 323 1138 (UK)
+44 1327 810 600 (when calling from abroad)
For general enquiries and complaints
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Guide to sections
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Complaints procedure
and compensation arrangements
Section 3: General terms
Section 4: General conditions
Section 5: What to do when a loss occurs
A motor vehicle claim
A motor legal expenses claim
Section 6: General exclusions
Section 7: Physical damage cover
Section 8: Additional cover and benefits
Audio and electrical equipment
Car jacking and road rage
Child car seats
Driving other cars
Emergency transportation/accommodation
Emergency treatment
Foreign use
Glass cover
Lock replacement
Medical expenses
Personal accident cover
Personal effects
Personal registration plate cover
Section 9: Third party liability cover
Section 10: Motor legal expenses cover
© This wording is fully protected by the laws of copyright. No unauthorised use or
reproduction is permitted. Hagerty Classic Car Policy 17 February 2021
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 1: Introduction
We are very grateful for your business and are also delighted that you have chosen the
Hagerty classic car policy, underwritten by Markel International Insurance Company
Limited. We continue to provide the very best possible service to our clients and this
policy represents one of the most comprehensive available to the classic car market
today. However, should you feel that this policy does not reflect the cover you require,
or should you feel that we have not provided exceptional service, please make contact
with us as soon as possible.
We hope to see you at a classic car show in the near future.
Robin Harman
Operations Director, Hagerty International
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 2: Complaints procedure and
compensation arrangements
The following procedure applies to all sections of the policy other than section 10. We are
proud of our reputation for a quality service. If you feel that our service at any time falls
below the standard you would expect, please contact us. Our contact details are:
Hagerty International Limited, The Arch Barn, Pury Hill Business Park, Alderton,
Northamptonshire, NN12 7TB.
Telephone: +44 (0)333 323 1138 (calls to this number within the United Kingdom are free
on mobile phones and landlines); or +44 (0)1327 810 600.
Email: enquiries@hagertyinsurance.co.uk.
The following procedure applies to the pages detailing the Motor legal expenses
It is our intention to give you the best possible service but if you do have any questions or
concerns about this insurance or the handling of a claim you should contact the Managing
Director of Lawshield. The contact details are:
The Managing Director, Lawshield UK Ltd, 1210 Centre Park Square, Lakeside Drive,
Centre Park, Warrington, WA1 1RU.
Tel: 0800 731 3942
Fax: 01925 428357
Email: customerrelations@lawshield-uk.com
Please ensure your policy number is quoted in all correspondence to assist a quick and
efficient response. If it is not possible to reach an agreement, you have the right to make
an appeal to the Financial Ombudsman Service. This also applies if you are insured in a
business capacity with a turnover of less than £6.5 million (or its equivalent in any other
currency) and which either:
Employs fewer than 50 persons, or
Has a balance sheet total of less than £5 million (or its equivalent in any other
You may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service at:
The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.
Tel: 0300 123 9 123 or 0800 023 4567
Overseas: +44 20 7964 0500
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent service in the United Kingdom for
settling disputes between consumers and businesses providing financial services. You
can find more information on the Financial Ombudsman Service at www.financial-
The above complaints procedure is in addition to your statutory rights as a consumer. For
further information about your statutory rights contact your local authority Trading
Standards Service or Citizens Advice Bureau.
Hagerty, Markel and AmTrust Europe Limited are covered by the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we
cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances
of the claim. Insurance advising and arranging is covered for 90% of the claim without any
upper limit. For compulsory classes of insurance, insurance
advising and
covered for 100% of the claim, without any upper limit. Further information about
compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS on 0800 678 1100 or at
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 3: General terms
Please read your policy very carefully. If anything is not correct, please return it
immediately. This policy is a contract between you and us.
We will provide this insurance in return for the premium you have paid to us.
Definitions Words shown in bold type in the policy shall have the meaning given to them below or
in the relevant cover section, wherever they may appear unless otherwise indicated.
Act of terrorism An act, including using or threatening to use force or violence, which:
is committed by a person or group of people, whether acting alone or in
connection with an organisation or government; and
is for political, religious, ideological or similar reasons. This includes trying to
influence a government or to frighten the public or any section of the public.
Agreed value The amount your vehicle is insured for as shown in your schedule. This is the most we
will pay for your vehicle regardless of any upward or downward movement in its value at
the time of loss. The amount shown in your schedule includes all manufacturer fitted
extras and modifications and any non-manufacturer extras or modifications approved by
Amendment to The most recent notification of cover change we issued to you.
cover notice
Amount insured This is the most we will pay as shown in your schedule.
Associated address Your or an insured person’s permanent address in the United Kingdom.
Certificate Your evidence of motor insurance. A certificate will be issued by us for each vehicle
you insure with us and should be read together with this policy wording, the
schedule, any amendment to cover notice and any endorsements.
European Union
Insured vehicle
Market value
A change to the terms of the policy agreed by us in writing.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
The amount for which you are responsible as the first part of each agreed claim as shown
in the schedule. If an insured vehicle is not listed in the schedule a £1,000 excess
Markel International Insurance Company Limited..
Any user permitted by you legally entitled to drive in accordance with the certificate.
Any vehicle listed on your Schedule of Motor Insurance.
insured under a Hagerty Classic Car
underwritten by
Lawshield UK Ltd, 850 Ibis Court, Lakeside Drive, Centre Park, Warrington,
Cheshire, WA1 1RL who arrange the services under Section 10 of the policy.
The cost to replace a vehicle with one of similar age, make, model and condition. We
decide this amount.
Named insured person Insured persons whose names are stated in the certificate.
Period of insurance The period for which the policy is in force as shown in your most recent schedule.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Personal effects Personal property owned by you or for which you are legally responsible.
Policy This policy wording, the schedule, the certificate, any amendment to cover notice
and any endorsements.
Proposal form The form that captures all the information that you provide to us via your agent and
on which we base our terms and conditions.
Schedule The document showing your name, your address and your insurance details that we
sent you when we accepted this insurance or following any subsequent amendment to
your cover, whichever is the more recent.
Territorial limits
United Kingdom
We, us, our, ours
You, your
This policy provides cover anywhere within the European Union and United
Kingdom, as well as the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia
Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Monaco,
Montenegro, Norway, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey (west of the
Bosphorus) or in transit by rail, sea, land (not under the vehicle’s own power) or air
between any countries listed in this definition.
Any vehicle listed in the schedule for which a certificate has been issued bearing the
registration number or chassis number of that vehicle which belongs to or is under a
hire purchase agreement with you or is leased to you.
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The insurer named in the schedule.
The person named as the policyholder in the schedule.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 4: General conditions
The following conditions apply to the whole of this policy. Any extra conditions are
shown in the sections to which they apply.
Cancellation You may cancel this policy by writing to us:
Within fourteen days of receipt of the policy or fourteen days from the effective date
of the policy, whichever is the later. If you have not made a claim you will receive a
full premium refund less any administration charges incurred.
At any time and returning your certificate. If you have not made a claim, we will
return any premium you have paid for any period of insurance remaining,
calculated on a pro-rata basis less any administration charges from the day we
receive notification of cancellation from you.
We may cancel this policy by sending you fourteen days notice by recorded post to
your last known correspondence address. You must immediately return your
certificate to us. If you have not made a claim, we will return any premium you have
paid for any period of insurance remaining, calculated on a pro-rata basis less any
administration charges from the day of cancellation.
Data protection By accepting your policy, you consent to us using the information we may hold about
you for the purposes of providing insurance and handling any claims and to process
sensitive personal data about you where this is necessary. This may mean we choose or
are required to give some details to third parties. These third parties may include other
insurance carriers, claims adjusters, fraud detection and/or prevention services, the Motor
Insurers’ Bureau, reinsurance companies and insurance regulatory authorities. Where
such sensitive personal information relates to anyone other than you, you must obtain
the explicit consent of the person to whom the information relates, both to the disclosure
of such information to us and its use by us as set out above. The information provided
will be treated by us in confidence and in compliance with applicable data protection law.
You have the right to apply for a copy of your information (for which we may charge a
small fee) and to have any inaccuracies corrected.
For training and quality control purposes, telephone calls to us may be monitored
and/or recorded.
Duplicate cover If a loss is covered more than once by us, we will pay under the section that provides you
with the most cover. We will not make duplicate payments.
False claims If you have tried to deceive us by deliberately giving us false information or making a
fraudulent claim under this policy then:
we shall be entitled to give you notice of termination of the policy with effect from
the date of any fraudulent act or claim or the provision of such false information;
we shall be entitled to refuse to make any payment under the policy in respect of
any claim made or any loss occurring after the date of any fraudulent act or claim or
the provision of such false information;
you must reimburse all payments already made by us relating to claims made or
losses occurring after the date of any fraudulent act or claim or the provision of such
false information; and
we shall be entitled to retain all premiums paid.
This does not affect your rights in relation to any claim made or loss occurring before
the date of any fraudulent act or claim or the provision of such false information.
Governing law This policy will be interpreted in accordance with and governed by English law. The
parties will submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Information In deciding to accept this insurance and in setting the terms and premium, we have relied
on the information
have given
must take care when answering any questions
we ask by ensuring that all information provided is accurate and complete.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
You must tell us, as soon as possible, if there are any changes to the information you
have given us. You must also tell us about the following changes:
a change to the people insured.
motoring convictions (driving licence endorsements, fixed penalties or pending
prosecutions for any motoring offences) for any of the people insured, or to be
criminal convictions for any of the people insured, or to be insured.
a change of vehicle.
any vehicle modifications.
any changes affecting ownership of the vehicle.
any change in the way that the vehicle is used.
a change of correspondence or garaging address.
If you are in any doubt, please contact us or your insurance agent.
When we are notified of a change we will tell you if this affects your policy. For example
we may cancel your policy in accordance with the cancellation condition, amend the
terms of your policy or require you to pay more for your insurance.
If you do not inform us about a change it may affect any claim you make or could result in
your insurance being invalid.
Misrepresentation If we establish that you deliberately or recklessly provided us with false information we
will treat this insurance as if it never existed and decline all claims.
If we establish that you were careless in providing us with the information we have
relied upon in accepting this insurance and setting its terms and premium we may:
treat this insurance as if it had never existed and refuse to pay all claims and return
the premium paid. We will only do this if we provided you with insurance cover
which we would not otherwise have offered;
amend the terms of your insurance. We may apply these amended terms as if
they were already in place if a claim has been adversely impacted by your
charge you more for your insurance or reduce the amount we pay on a claim in
the proportion that the premium you have paid bears to the premium we would
have charged you;
cancel your policy in accordance with the cancellation condition.
We or your insurance agent will write to you if we:
intend to treat this insurance as if it never existed;
need to amend the terms of your policy; or
require you to pay more for your insurance.
Other insurance When other insurance applies to a covered loss under this policy, our cover will
apply secondary to any other available insurance.
Premium payment We will not make any payment under this policy unless you have paid the
Reasonable care You must take reasonable steps to keep your vehicle in a roadworthy condition
and ensure you have a current and valid M.O.T. certificate or any other
documentation required under current legislation.
You must take reasonable steps to protect any insured vehicle from loss or damage.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 5: What to do when a loss occurs
You should refer to the relevant cover section for details of the cover provided and how
your claim will be settled.
A motor vehicle claim
How to make a claim
You must tell us or your insurance agent as soon as possible about any incident
which you may need to claim for under this policy. Our 24 hours a day, seven days
a week helpline is available on:
0333 323 1129 (for calls within the UK)
+44 1925 422726 (for calls outside the UK)
In addition, in the event of theft, bodily injury or a crime being committed, you or an
insured person must notify the police and obtain a crime reference number from them.
You or an insured person must not admit liability for any incident or negotiate or refuse
any claim with anyone.
We will:
arrange for the repatriation of you or the insured person and your or the insured
person’s passengers from within the territorial limits;
where necessary recover the insured vehicle to a destination or repairer of your
choice or if you prefer to a repairer approved by us;
inspect, approve and authorise any repairs to the insured vehicle;
clean the insured vehicle on completion of any repairs;
where appropriate return the insured vehicle to you;
guarantee the repairs to the insured vehicle if carried out by an approved repairer for
a period of three years.
Repair work Please let us know before any repair work is carried out on your vehicle. Not doing so
may affect a claim.
We have the right to inspect any damage to an insured vehicle. We will tell you if we
want to do this.
Injury to someone or
damage to their property
If someone is holding you or an insured person responsible for injury or damage, you
must immediately send to us or your insurance agent every letter or claim
correspondence you receive. You or an insured person must not admit liability or make
an offer or promise of payment without our written permission, otherwise we will not have
to pay the claim.
We may take over and deal with, in your name or that of an insured person, the
defence or settlement of any claim made against you.
Recovering a payment We may pursue, in your name or that of an insured person but at our expense,
recovery of any amounts we may become liable to pay under this policy. You or an
insured person
must give
all the assistance
may reasonably require to do this.
Receiving your claim You may elect to receive your claim payment by cheque or via electronic fund
payment transfer.
A motor legal
expenses claim Motor legal expenses cover only applies to your policy if shown in your schedule.
Legal expenses services are provided by Lawshield.
Lawshield are available for you to call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Lawshield’s claims notification line is 0333 323 1129 (for calls within the UK)
+44 1925 422 726 (for calls outside the UK).
Lawshield will aim to recover your uninsured losses, which may include the cost
of repairing or replacing your vehicle, your excess, injury compensation and
other out-of-pocket expenses.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 6: General exclusions
The following exclusions apply to the whole of this policy. Any extra exclusions are
shown in the sections to which they apply.
This insurance does not cover the following:
Any loss, damage or liability arising out of a deliberate act by you or an
insured person or by anyone acting on your behalf.
Loss, damage, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from biological or
chemical contamination. This includes poisoning or preventing or limiting the use
of an object, due to the effects of any biological or chemical agent.
Any loss, damage or liability arising directly or indirectly from
nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination.
Any loss, damage or liability caused directly or indirectly by war, acts of foreign
enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), invasion, civil war, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power or the destruction or seizure
of any insured vehicle for a military purpose.
Any loss, damage or liability caused by the confiscation, destruction or seizure
of property by any military, government or public authority.
Any loss, damage or liability arising from:
airport service vehicles.
vehicles being used on those parts of airport premises to which the public do
not have free vehicular access.
Any reduction in value of any insured vehicle.
Any loss, damage or liability arising from participation in or instruction or
preparation for any racing, rallies, trials, pace-making or speed testing in any
prearranged or organised event (including but not by way of limitation the Gumball
Rally or Cannonball Run) or any on track use (including but not by way of limitation
the Nürburgring).
Any person who uses an insured vehicle without the owner’s permission.
Any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of any insured vehicle
to carry property or people for a fee.
Any loss, damage or liability arising from the operation of any insured vehicle
that has been hired, leased or loaned by you or any insured person for a fee
to any other person.
Any death or injury of any employee arising out of his or her employment by
you or an insured person if cover for such person is provided under a liability
insurance policy that complies with current United Kingdom compulsory
liability legislation, or any similar legislation of any other applicable country
within the territorial limits.
Any motorcycles or any vehicles with less than four wheels unless agreed by us
and noted in the schedule.
Any loss or damage caused by wear and tear, mechanical or electrical
breakdown or any damage caused by a computer error or malfunction or an error
in computer programming.
Loss, damage, cost, expense or liability directly or indirectly caused by,
resulting from or in any connection with any act of terrorism or any
action taken in controlling, preventing or suppressing any act of
terrorism. However, this exclusion shall not apply when cover is not
provided by the Motor Insurance Bureau and it is necessary to comply
with the United Kingdom Road Traffic Act
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 6: General exclusions
Any claim where you or an insured person would be entitled to be paid under any
other insurance if this policy did not exist, except for any amounts in excess of the
amount that would be covered under the other insurance.
Any buses, coaches and vehicles with ten or more seats including that of the
Waterborne vessels, aircraft, hovercraft or any other vehicle not designed to run on
land unless amphibious which is licensed to go on highways (but not including any
waterborne exposure).
Any losses involving the ownership, operation, maintenance or use of any vehicle the
principal use of which is:
the transportation of high explosives such as nitroglycerine, dynamite or any
other similar explosive.
the bulk transportation of liquid petroleum or gasoline.
the transportation of gases in liquid, compressed or gaseous forms.
Any damage to tyres caused by braking, punctures, cuts or bursts.
Any loss of value following repairs.
Any loss, theft, damage, disablement, impairment or loss of use of your vehicle or any
cost or expense arising as a result of any computer virus, ransomware, code or
software or any related threat, deception or hoax.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 7: Physical damage cover
You should read your schedule to see if this physical damage cover applies to
your policy.
This section provides you and an insured person with physical damage cover as
detailed below, whilst driving an insured vehicle anywhere within the territorial limits.
The general terms, general conditions and general exclusions all apply to this section.
What is covered We will cover physical loss of or physical damage to an insured vehicle occurring
during the period of insurance anywhere within the territorial limits.
What is not covered
Your excess.
Loss of use of the insured vehicle or any other indirect loss.
Loss or damage to your vehicle in the event that you have exceeded the mileage
declared to us in the proposal form and stated in your schedule.
Garaging condition
If between the hours of 10pm and 6am
your vehicle
is within 500 metres of an
address you must ensure that the vehicle is kept in a secure locked garage or returned
to the garage address.
If you do not, we will not have to pay any related claim.
This condition does not apply in cases where, subject to our prior agreement and the
payment of the appropriate additional premium, your vehicle is kept on your driveway
or at an alternative location.
How much we will pay Your schedule will show you the maximum amount we will pay for each agreed claim.
Following loss or damage involving any insured vehicle, we will decide whether to repair
or make a cash settlement.
We will insure your vehicle for its agreed value provided we have received, within 30
days of either the start of this policy or the date from when the vehicle was added to this
policy, an acceptable valuation certificate or acceptable photographs of your vehicle.
The agreed value is the maximum we will pay if your vehicle is declared by us to be a
total loss.
If we have not received an acceptable valuation certificate or acceptable photographs of
your vehicle, the maximum we will pay in the event of your vehicle being declared a
total loss is the amount insured or the vehicle’s market value whichever is the lesser
An insured vehicle will be declared to be a total loss when it is totally destroyed or
stolen and not recovered. An insured vehicle is considered totally destroyed when the
salvage value plus the repair cost is equal to or greater than the agreed value or the
amount insured if we have not received an acceptable valuation certificate or
acceptable photographs within the time frames shown above. An insured vehicle is
considered stolen when it is stolen and not recovered within 30 days of its theft. However
if a tracking device is installed to the insured vehicle and is active at the time of the
theft, the insured vehicle will be considered stolen when it is stolen and not recovered
within 14 days of its disappearance. When we pay for a total loss the salvage becomes
our property.
If we are going to settle your claim by replacing your vehicle or paying you the
amount insured, agreed value or the market value, your vehicle will become our
property. In the event of a total loss you may, where legislation permits, request the
opportunity to retain the vehicle salvage, subject to a reasonable deduction from the
claim settlement decided by us.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 8: Additional cover and benefits
If section 7, physical damage cover, applies to your policy, the following additional
covers and benefits are automatically included in your insurance.
Unless specifically stated to the contrary, they are in addition to the agreed value and the
excess assigned to the insured vehicle will apply.
Audio and electrical In the event of a covered loss we will also cover up to £750 for the following for loss or
equipment damage if the cost of replacement is included in the agreed value. If it is not included in
the agreed value there will be no cover for such equipment.
The following equipment if permanently installed in or removable from a housing
unit within the vehicle and designed to be operated only by the power of the
vehicle, including radios, tape players, CD players and DVD players or similar
equipment including their accessories and antennas.
Telephones if permanently installed in the vehicle and designed to be operated only
by the power of the vehicle, including their accessories and antennas.
Car jacking and If you or a named insured person is subject to physical assault as a result of
road rage aggravated or attempted theft or any other incident involving an insured vehicle during
the period of insurance, we will pay up to £5,000 towards the cost of legal
representation or medical expenses, counselling or any other associated expenses.
Any such incident must be reported to the police within 48 hours of it happening.
This additional cover does not apply if the assault is by a relative or a person known to you.
Child car seats If you or a named insured person has a child car seat in an insured vehicle and the
insured vehicle is involved in an accident during the period of insurance involving
impact damage, we will replace the child car seat with a new one of equivalent quality
even if the child car seat itself is not damaged. Your excess does not apply to this
Disablement In the event of an accident during the period of insurance resulting in a covered claim
under this policy and you or a named insured person is registered disabled as a
result of the accident, we will pay up to £10,000 towards the cost of applicable
modifications to your or a named insured person’s vehicle.
Driving other cars You will be covered under sections 7, 8, 9, and 10 of this policy whilst driving any
insured vehicle unless stated otherwise or an exclusion applies.
This additional cover is secondary to any other insurance that may apply at the time of
a covered loss and a £1,000 excess will apply.
Emergency If following a covered loss more than 50 miles from your or a named insured person’s
transportation/ closest residence you or a named insured person incur emergency transportation
accommodation costs, we will pay such costs up to a maximum of £500.
In addition, we will pay up to a maximum of £1,000 for accommodation and meals.
Emergency treatment We will reimburse you or a named insured person using an insured vehicle for
payment made under the United Kingdom Road Traffic Act for emergency treatment
incurred as a result of an accident during the period of insurance.
Foreign use We will cover you or a named insured person for trips to countries within the
territorial limits for up to 90 days commencing during the period of insurance.
The certificate should provide evidence that the compulsory insurance laws within the
territorial limits are complied with.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 8: Additional cover and benefits
Glass cover In the event of physical damage to window glass and/or sunroof glass to your vehicle we
will pay for the replacement or repair of the glass. If your vehicle was manufactured post
1990, the most we will pay is £1,500.
A £100 excess applies to this additional cover. However, if the glass is repaired, the
excess does not apply.
Lock replacement Should you or an insured person lose or have the door key or ignition/alarm
immobiliser key to a vehicle or garage door opener stolen during the period of
insurance, we will pay up to £500 for its replacement and for the replacement of the
associated lock.
Medical expenses We will pay necessary medical expenses, up to a total of £500 for you or a named
insured person, incurred as a result of an accident during the period of insurance.
Such medical expenses must arise out of injury to you or a named insured person
while he or she is occupying an insured vehicle. This additional cover also applies if
you or a named insured person are struck by another motor vehicle or trailer.
Personal accident We will pay you or a named insured person or the applicable estate for you or a named
cover insured person £10,000 for bodily injury in the event that an accident during the period
of insurance involving an insured vehicle is the sole cause of:
death, or
total loss of a limb, or
loss of sight in one or both eyes.
We do not provide this additional cover if the accident is caused directly or indirectly whilst
you or a named insured person has a blood alcohol level exceeding the prescribed
limit as decreed by the United Kingdom Road Traffic Act (or similar legislation of any
other applicable country within the territorial limits) or are under the influence of any
illegal substance.
Personal effects
Personal registration
plate cover
We will pay for your personal effects (excluding cash, travellers cheques, bearer bond,
stock certificates or jewellery) in an insured vehicle that are lost or damaged due to an
accident or to fire, theft or attempted theft during the period of insurance up to a total
amount of £500.
Your excess does not apply to this additional cover.
If you or a named insured person’s vehicle has a personalised registration number
purchased from the DVLA and the vehicle is stolen during the period of insurance
and not recovered, we will pay up to £5,000 to compensate you for the loss of the plate.
If we pay under this additional cover the rights to the plate will become ours.
We will pay up to £5,000 for theft or physical damage to a trailer or non-motorised
Horsebox, which you or a named insured person owns or are legally responsible for and
which is no more than 4.6 metres (15 feet) in length, during the period of insurance,
whether it is attached to an insured vehicle or not.
Proof of ownership of a trailer will need to be provided for this cover to apply.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 9: Third party liability cover
You should read your schedule to see if this third party liability cover applies to
your policy.
This section provides you and an insured person with third party liability cover as
detailed below, whilst driving an insured vehicle anywhere within the territorial limits.
The General terms, General conditions and General exclusions all apply to this section.
What is covered We will cover the legal liability of you and an insured person to compensate others if,
as a result of an accident during the period of insurance arising from the maintenance,
operation or use of an insured vehicle,
someone is injured (including any sickness or disease resulting from such injury), or
dies, or
tangible third party property is physically lost or physically damaged (including the
loss of use of such damaged property).
How much we will pay The most we will pay for any one accident resulting in damage to third party property is
There is no limit on the amount we will pay for any one accident resulting in
injury or death of a third party, or
injury or death of a passenger travelling in an insured vehicle.
All claims caused by one accident are agreed to be one claim however many
insured persons may be legally liable for the accident.
We will pay reasonable and necessary costs and expenses of legal representation
should you or an insured person need to defend against any legal action seeking
damages for injury, death or property damage.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Section 10: Motor legal expenses cover
Motor legal expenses cover
Special definitions
applying to this
Claims adjuster
Insured incident
Legal costs
and expenses
Motor legal expenses cover is arranged by Lawshield and underwritten by AmTrust Europe
Lawshield UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm
Reference No. 306793.
AmTrust Europe Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference
No. 202189. AmTrust Europe Limited is registered in England and Wales under number
This section provides a named insured person with motor legal expenses cover as
detailed below, whilst driving an insured vehicle anywhere within the territorial
The general terms, general conditions and general exclusions all apply to this section.
Any claims negotiator, adjuster or other appropriately qualified person, firm or company
appointed by Lawshield to act for the named insured person.
A road traffic accident for which the named insured person is not at fault (excluding claims
for theft or fire) occurring within the period of insurance and territorial limits which results
loss or damage to the insured vehicle including any attached trailer;
loss or damage to any personal property owned by the named insured person
whilst the property is in/on or attached to the insured vehicle;
the death of or injury to the named insured person whilst in or getting into or out
of the insured vehicle;
any other uninsured losses.
AmTrust Europe Limited, Market Square House, St James's Street, Nottingham, NG1
Fees, costs and disbursements reasonably incurred by Lawshield, any claims
adjuster, solicitor, or other appropriately qualified person appointed to act for
the named insured person with Lawshield's consent; and
The costs of any civil proceedings incurred by an opponent awarded against the named
insured person by order of a court or which Lawshield have agreed to pay.
Where solicitors costs are payable by the insurer, these will be chargeable on the
standard basis as defined by the Civil Procedure Rules, or in accordance with the
Fixed Recoverable Costs scheme if appropriate and would be limited to £125.00
including VAT per hour solicitors time, and £12.50 including VAT for each letter sent out.
Explanatory note: The Fixed Recoverable Costs scheme applies to road traffic accidents
which are settled by negotiation before court proceedings are issued for claims up to the
value of £25,000. The rules set out how legal fees are calculated for these cases.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Motor legal expenses cover
Prospects of success Reasonable prospects are considered to be 51% or better chance of success.
Solicitor The solicitor, firm of solicitors or other appropriately qualified person, firm
or company appointed to act for the named insured person.
Standard basis The assessment of costs which are proportionate to the named insured persons claim.
What is covered Legal costs and expenses for legal proceedings started on behalf of the named
insured person during the period of insurance and in connection with pursuing
civil claims arising from an insured incident relating to the use of an insured
vehicle or any other vehicle attached and being towed by the insured vehicle
which results directly in the death of or personal injury to the named insured person
and any other uninsured losses the named insured person incurs.
If the named insured person is not awarded any costs or compensation the insurer
will pay all legal costs and expenses up to the limit under this section. If the
named insured person is awarded costs, the named insured person must use
these to repay the amount the insurer has paid out on their behalf in connection with
the proceedings but if the legal costs and expenses are greater than the amount
the named insured person is awarded for those costs and expenses, the insurer
will pay the extra amount (up to the limit under this section).
How much insurers
will pay The maximum amount insurers will pay in respect of all insured incidents which are
related in time or by cause is £100,000 for both the named insured person and any
opponents insofar as they are liable to pay them. This includes legal costs and expenses
of both the named insured person and any opponents where the named insured person
is liable to pay them.
Special exclusions applying
to this section
In addition to the policy general exclusions the following additional exclusions apply to
this part of your policy.
The insurers will not pay legal costs and expenses in the following circumstances:
Claims where there are no prospects of success. Lawshield will
continue to assess whether prospects of success exist throughout
the named insured person’s claim and if at any time Lawshield
consider the named insured person’s claim no longer has
prospects of success and/or an alternative course of action is
appropriate and/or under the terms and conditions of the policy the
claim is not admissible, then Lawshield will inform the named
insured person in writing of the decision and the reason behind that
decision. Having informed the named insured person of this, and
subject to the policy conditions, Lawshield may withdraw further
cover for legal costs and expenses.
Claims arising from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Claims where Lawshield are not told about the claim within 180
days of the event which caused it.
Legal costs and expenses if the named insured person withdraws
from legal proceedings without Lawshield’s agreement.
Legal costs and expenses which are covered under a more
specific insurance or if a claim has been refused by another
insurance company.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Legal costs and expenses where fixed recoverable costs have
already been recovered by the solicitor.
Where a reasonable estimate of the legal costs and expenses is
greater than the amount in dispute other than in relation to Uninsured
Loss Recovery Claims.
Legal costs and expenses incurred prior to Lawshield’s written acceptance of a
claim or that Lawshield have not agreed to in advance.
Claims arising from any deliberate or criminal act or omission by the
named insured person.
Legal costs and expenses, fines or other penalties which the named insured
person is ordered to pay by a Court of Criminal Justice.
Incidents involving an insured vehicle owned or driven by the named
insured person, where the named insured person was not in possession
of a valid driving licence or the insured vehicle was not covered by a valid
test certificate where appropriate or was not in a road- worthy condition.
Motor vehicles used by or on behalf of the named insured person for
racing, rallies, competitions or trials of any kind.
Claims arising from the insured vehicle not being used in accordance with
the terms and conditions of your policy.
Claims arising from an insured incident that occurs outside the territorial limits
except enforcement of a judgement obtained from a court within the territorial limits
with Lawshield’s prior approval against a defendant who resides outside of the
jurisdiction of the court making the order.
Lawshield shall be under no liability to pay for avoidable correspondence, absence
from work compensation or for travelling expenses or sustenance allowances of the
named insured person (except to the extent that the named insured person may be
specifically covered under the other sections of the policy).
Lawshield shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequence of terrorism as
defined by the Terrorism Act 2000 and any amending or substituting legislation.
Lawshield shall not be liable for any consequence, howsoever caused, including
but not limited to Computer Virus, of Electronic Data being lost, destroyed, distorted,
altered, or otherwise corrupted.
For the purposes of this policy, Electronic Data shall mean facts, concepts and
information stored to form useable data for communications, interpretations, or
processing by electronic or electromechanical data processing or other
electronically controlled hardware, software and other coded instructions for the
processing and manipulation of data, or the direction and manipulation of such
For the purposes of this policy, Computer Virus shall mean a set of corrupting,
harmful, or otherwise unauthorised instructions or code, whether these have been
introduced maliciously or otherwise, and multiply themselves through a computer
system or network of whatsoever nature.
The insurer will not provide cover, pay any claim or provide any benefit if doing so
would expose the insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United
Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the
European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Motor legal expenses cover
applying to
this section
Responsibilities of the
named insured
Compliance by the named insured person with the following provisions applying to this
section and all of the terms in the policy shall be a condition of this insurance.
Where cover is requested and granted to any person mentioned in the schedule, then the
terms and conditions and exclusions of this section apply equally to such persons as they do to
the named insured person.
The named insured person must tell Lawshield in writing as soon as possible
when a claim or possible claim happens.
The named insured person must give Lawshield any information and evidence
Lawshield need (the named insured person will have to pay any costs involved
in this). The named insured person must not do anything to affect their case.
The named insured person must tell Lawshield about any other legal expense
insurance they have which may cover the same loss.
The named insured person must co-operate fully with Lawshield, the claims
adjuster or the solicitor.
Choice of solicitor
1) Before legal proceedings are issued Lawshield will appoint a solicitor from
Lawshield’s panel to act on of the named insured person to prosecute, defend
or settle any claim Lawshield accept under the terms of this policy.
If legal proceedings need to be issued, the named insured person does not have
to accept the solicitor Lawshield has chosen. The named insured person must
send Lawshield in writing the full name and address of a solicitor who they want
to act for them.
In choosing their solicitor, the named insured person must try and keep the cost
of any legal proceedings as low as possible.
If the named insured person cannot agree a suitable solicitor with Lawshield,
the named insured person can refer their choice of solicitor to arbitration in line
with the conditions of this policy. If there is a dispute about the choice of solicitor,
Lawshield will appoint a solicitor to act on behalf of the named insured person
to protect their interests whilst arbitration takes place.
If the Insurer insures two or more people for one claim, the named insured
person may choose solicitors. The named insured person must send their
name and address to Lawshield before Lawshield agree to pay any legal costs
and expenses.
Before Lawshield accept the named insured person’s choice of a solicitor, or if
the named insured person fails to choose a solicitor, Lawshield will be entitled
to instruct a solicitor on their behalf.
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Representation 1) Lawshield can take over, and carry out in the name of the named insured person,
action to take or defend any claims and Lawshield will have complete control over
how legal proceedings are carried out.
Legal costs and expenses payable are to be in no way affected by any agreement,
undertaking or promise made or given by the named insured person to the
solicitor, witness expert or any claims adjuster.
Lawshield shall have direct access to the solicitor at all times and the named
insured person must keep Lawshield fully informed of all material developments
during their claim. If Lawshield ask the named insured person must instruct the
solicitor to produce to Lawshield any documents, information or advice in their
possession and the named insured person must give the solicitor any other
instructions relating to the conduct of their claim as Lawshield may require.
Lawshield’s written consent must be obtained prior to:
The instruction of Counsel to appear before a Court (or tribunal) before
which a solicitor has a right of audience;
The instruction of Queen’s Counsel;
The incurring of unusual experts fees or unusual disbursements;
The making of an appeal.
If for any reason the solicitor refuses to continue to act for the named insured
person or if the named insured person withdraws their claim from the solicitor,
Lawshield will not pay any further legal costs and expenses unless Lawshield
agree to the appointment of an alternative solicitor in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the policy. Lawshield will not pay any additional legal costs and
expenses arising solely as a result of the appointment of a new solicitor.
If the named insured person unreasonably withdraws from a claim without
Lawshield’s prior agreement, then the legal costs and expenses will become the
responsibility of the named insured person and Lawshield will be entitled to be
reimbursed by the named insured person for any costs paid or incurred during
the course of the claim. This includes any legal costs and expenses that
Lawshield consider the named insured person is obliged to pay solely because
they withdrew from the claim.
The insurance under this section does not cover an appeal unless Lawshield
are notified in writing by the named insured person no later than six working
days before the time for making an Appeal expires and Lawshield consider
that there are prospects of success of such an appeal succeeding.
Part 36 Offers
1) The named insured person or the solicitor must inform Lawshield immediately
in writing of any Part 36 offer under the Civil Procedure Rules made with a view to
settling the claim.
No agreement is to be made to settle the claim on the basis of both sides paying
their own costs without Lawshield’s prior approval.
If the named insured person or the solicitor fail to tell Lawshield of any
Hagerty classic car
Policy wording 17 February 2021
Part 36 offer, then the named insured person will be responsible to Lawshield for
an amount equal to the detriment Lawshield have suffered as a result of the
named insured person’s failure to comply with this obligation, and Lawshield
may deduct this amount from any payment Lawshield make under this section.
If the named insured person does not accept a Part 36 offer and the named
insured person does not subsequently achieve a higher award of compensation
then Lawshield will not pay any further legal costs and expenses or opponent’s
costs unless Lawshield were notified of the Part 36 offer and agreed to continue
the proceedings.
Lawshield will not unreasonably withhold agreement to continue proceedings
however Lawshield will have the right to ask the named insured person to
instruct the solicitor to obtain counsel’s opinion on the merits of the claim,
defence, any Part 36 offer made by an opponent or proposed by the named
insured person, or whether there are grounds for continuing the proceedings
before Lawshield agree to continue with the named insured person’s claim.
Costs and Recovery 1) At Lawshield’s request, the named insured person must instruct the solicitor to
have the legal costs and expenses taxed, assessed or audited by the relevant
The named insured person must take all reasonable steps to recover legal costs
and expenses payable under this policy from their opponent and pay any
recovered legal costs and expenses to Lawshield.
Lawshield can take proceedings in the name of the named insured person (at
Lawshield’s own expense and for Lawshield’s own benefit) to recover from
anyone else, any payment Lawshield have made under this insurance.
1) If there is a dispute between the named insured person and Lawshield over the
presentation, acceptance, rejection, control or discontinuance of any claims or
representation at proceedings then at the written request of the named insured
person the dispute will be referred to an arbitrator, who shall be a solicitor or
Counsel that the named insured person and Lawshield agree on. If there is no
agreement on the choice of arbitrator one will be appointed by the President of the
relevant Law Society of England or Wales or the President of the Law Society of
Scotland, as appropriate. Both parties shall present such information relevant to
their dispute as required by the arbitrator whose decision will be final and binding.
All costs of resolving the dispute shall be met in full by the party against whom the
decision is made, or as decided by the arbitrator.
2) If there is a disagreement over the amount Lawshield owe the named insured
person, Lawshield will pass the matter to an arbitrator who both the named
insured person and Lawshield agree to. When this happens, the arbitrator must
make a decision before the named insured person can start proceedings against
0333 323 1181
Hagerty International Limited
The Arch Barn, Pury Hill Farm
Alderton, Towcester, Northants NN12 7TB
For training and quality purposes, telephone calls may be monitored or recorded.
Hagerty International Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Markel International Insurance Company Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct