Unclaimed Property Office Funds Transfer Request Form
The Columbia University Unclaimed Property Office (UPO) is able to return funds that no longer represent outstanding liabilities to the originating department.
Please provide all information requested below in order to expedite the processing of the transaction.
Please complete the highlighted portions of the form below. Once completed the form should be returned to the UPO via our web form, located at
http://finance.columbia.edu/content/UPO-Form. Please be sure to include a valid chart string where the funds can be credited and a brief explanation of why the
funds are no longer due to the owner.
Contact Information
Name: _________________________________ Department Name & Number: _________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________
Property Information
Item Number Amount Chart String to Credit Reason Funds No Longer Due
I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the funds are no longer due to the owner.
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________