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This brief guide outlines which reference types to select and which fields to populate in EndNote when using the
Chicago 17
B Curtin X9 EndNote style.
Always check your EndNote reference outputs against the Chicago 17
B referencing guide for accuracy.
Guide Contents:
Important information for all
reference types
Populating the author field
Manual changes
EndNote reference types
Audiovisual Material
TV series
Blog post
Book Section
Chapter in an edited book
Conference Proceedings
Conference paper or poster
Data set
Data set created using a
company database
Film or Broadcast
Film or video
YouTube and other videos
on the internet
Journal Article
Journal article
Journal article Advance
online publication
Journal article Supplement
Journal article with an article
Newspaper Article
Newspaper or magazine
Brochure, fact sheet or
Podcast episode
Press Release
Press release
Government or
organisation report
Company annual report
Australian Bureau of
Social Media
Facebook, Twitter and
Act of Parliament
Television Episode
TV series episode
Unpublished Work
Web Page
Webpage on a website
Entire website
Note: If there is no reference type available for the item you are referencing, identify the components required for that
reference and select a similar reference type
Last updated March 2021
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Important information for all reference types
When entering a reference into EndNote, you only need to include the basic data. Unless stated otherwise in this
guide do not include punctuation or formatting such as colons, full stops, brackets, and italics, or text such as In,
Retrieved from, ed., Ed. in the reference. The Chicago 17
B Curtin X9 style will include this automatically when
formatting the reference.
Manually populating the author field in EndNote
When entering personal authors or editors into EndNote, use the format Last Name, First Name
Example: Shakespeare, William
When entering an organisation as the author, include a comma at the end of the organisation’s name so
EndNote displays the complete name in the reference
Example: Department of Health,
Enter each new author on a separate line
You must use correct capitalisation for author details. EndNote will display the author’s information with the
exact capitalisation you have used
Example: Smith, John
The Chicago referencing style uses headline style capitalisation, where all significant words in the title start with a
capital letter (e.g. Philosophy and Poetry: A New Look at an Old Quarrel). Stop words such as: a, is, it, at, on, etc. are
not capitalised.
When two or more capitalised letters appear in a title (e.g. ANZ, USA), EndNote will incorrectly display the
information as Anz or Usa as the style is set to display as headline style capitalisation. To ensure abbreviations,
acronyms etc. display correctly:
1. Select Edit (Windows) or EndNote (Mac) and click on Preferences
2. Select the Change Case option
3. Enter the abbreviation/ acronym etc. with the correct capitalisation and click Apply and OK.
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Manual changes to references
Chicago B is a complex referencing style and in some instances EndNote may not be able to accommodate all the
elements or formatting required for a particular reference type. If manual changes are required, you will need to
make these once you have finished creating your reference list in Word and converted your document to plain text.
To do this:
1. In the CWYW toolbar click Convert Citations and Bibliography (Windows) or Tools (MAC) and select Convert
to Plain Text
2. A new unsaved document with no field codes (not linked to EndNote) will be created
3. Save it with a new file name (your original document with the field codes will be unchanged and still be
linked to EndNote)
4. Manually edit the references in the plain text copy of the document
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Audiovisual Material
TV series
Author, Year, Title, Series Editor, Place Published, Publisher, Type
da Mosto, Francesco. 2008. Francesco’s Mediterranean Voyage. Television series. Directed
by Andrea Carnevali and Nicola Searle. London: BBC.
For a single episode in a series use Television episode reference type
The individual(s) primarily responsible
for the work (e.g. writer, director,
makeup artist, or lighting etc.) should
be recorded in the Author field.
Enter series director(s) in the Series
Editor field
Enter the distributor in Publisher
Enter Television series in the Type
Reference type Blog
Blog post
Author, Year, Title of Entry, Title of WebLog, Type of Medium, Date, URL
Huberman, Ben. 2016. “Live from Paris: David Lebovitz on Food, France, and Writing.”
Discover (blog), March 3, 2016.
If the title of the blog does not include
the word blog (as in the example
shown), enter blog in the Type of
Medium field
Enter Month Day in the Date field
Reference type Book
Author, Year, Title, Edition, Place Published, Publisher, DOI or URL
Doyle, Timothy, Sherilyn MacGregor, and Doug McEachern. 2015. Environment and Politics.
4th ed. Abingdon, England: Routledge.
For a print book, leave the DOI/URL
fields blank
For editions other than the first,
include an Edition e.g. 4th
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Book Section
Chapter in an edited
Author, Year, Title, Book Title, Edition, Editor, Pages, Place Published, Publisher, DOI or URL
Petermann, Emily. 2015. “Monster Mash-ups: Features of the Horror Musical.” In New
Directions in 21st Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass, edited by Lorna Piatti-Farnell
and Donna Brien, 71-83. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
For a print book, leave the DOI/URL
field blank
For editions other than the first,
include an Edition e.g. 2nd
Reference type Case
Case Name, Year Decided, Reporter Volume, Reporter Abbreviation, First Page, URL
Shea v News Ltd. 2015. WASC 1.
If cases appear in your reference list,
set them apart from the main body of
the reference list under the
subheading 'Legal authorities'. Add
manually (p. 3)
Reference type Conference Proceedings
Conference paper or
Author, Year of Conference, Title, Conference Name, Conference Location, Date, DOI or URL
Loughnane, Lawrence. 2014. “Innovation and Strategy: Linking Management Practices to
Achieve Superior Performance.” Paper presented at the European Conference on
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Belfast, Ireland, September 18-19, 2014.
For a conference paper included in published proceeding, reference as a chapter from an
edited book. If the paper is published in a journal, treat as a journal article.
If there are no details about the
conference on the publication itself,
you can easily discover this
information by searching for the
Conference Name on Google.
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Dataset
Data set
Investigators, Year, Title, Data Type, Place Published, DOI or URL
Irino, Tomohisa, and Ryuji Tada. 2009. Chemical and Mineral Compositions of Sediments
from ODP Site 127-797. Dataset. Geological Institute, University of Tokyo.
Enter Dataset in the Data Type field
Data set created using a
company database
Investigators, Year, Title, Data Type, Access Date, URL
Morningstar Datanalysis Premium. 2014. GICS Industry Metals & Mining: Financial Data.
Dataset. Accessed October 9, 2014.
Enter Dataset in the Data Type field
Enter Month and Day in Access Date
Reference type Film or Broadcast
Film or video
Director, Year Released, Title, Format, Series Director, Country, Distributor,
Gameau, Damon, and Nick Batzias. 2014. That Sugar Film. DVD. Directed by Damon
Gameau. Australia: Madmen Entertainment.
Anyone primarily responsible for the
work should be recorded in the
Director field, however the Director is
recorded again under the Series
Director field
Enter the format (e.g. DVD) in the
Format field
YouTube or videos on
the internet
Director, Year Released, Title, Format, URL
OfficialPsy. 2012. Gangnam Style. YouTube video, 4:12.
Enter the type of video as well as its
total length in the Format field e.g.
YouTube video, 4:12
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Journal article
Journal article
Author, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, (Issue), Pages, DOI or URL
Burns, Timothy. 2015. “Philosophy and Poetry: A New Look at an Old Quarrel.” The
American Political Science Review 109 (2): 326-338.
If there is no issue number leave the
Issue field blank
Journal article
Advance online
Author, Year, Title, Journal, Issue, DOI or URL
Napoli, Julie, Sonia Dickinson-Delaporte, and Michael B. Beverland. 2016. “The Brand
Authenticity Continuum: Strategic Approaches for Building Value.” Journal of
Marketing Management (forthcoming).
Enter the word forthcoming in the
Issue field
Journal article published
in a supplement
Author, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI or URL
Lock, Margaret. 2005. “Eclipse of the Gene and the Return of Divination.” Current
Anthropology 46 (Suppl. 5): S47S70.
Use the abbreviation Suppl. before the
supplement number in the Issue field
Enter the page number(s) in the Pages
field as they appear on the article (e.g.
Journal article with an
article number
Author, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Article number, DOI or URL
Pedersen, Pil Birkefeldt Moller, Joanna B. Olsen, Brody Sandel, and Jens-Christian Svenning.
2019. "Wild Steps in a Semi-Wild Setting? Habitat Selection and Behavior of
European Bison Reintroduced to an Enclosure in an Anthropogenic
Landscape." PLOS ONE 14 (11): e0198308.
Add the article number in the Pages
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Music
Composer, Year, Title, Publisher, Form of Item
The Wombats. 2017. Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life. MP3 audio. Warner Music
Add Format (e.g. MP3 audio) in the
Form of Item field
Reference type Newspaper Article
Newspaper or magazine
Reporter, Year, Title, Newspaper, Issue Date, Short Title, URL
Haberman, Maggie, and Peter Baker. 2017. “In Call with Times Reporter, Trump Projects Air
of Calm over Charges.” New York Times, November 1, 2017.
“Fairytales Exist: Migrants Get a Football Team of Their Own.” 2015. Weekend Edition
Saturday, May 9, 2015.
Enter page number in the Pages field
for articles in print newspapers
If there is no author, add a short title
for the article (e.g. Fairytales Exist) in
the Short Title field. This will become
your in-text citation
Reference type Pamphlet
Brochure, fact sheet or
Author, Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, URL
Curtin University. 2010. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Social Media
Guidelines. Bentley, WA: Curtin University.
For online works, leave the Place
Published and Publisher fields blank
Reference type Podcast
Podcast episode
Author, Year, Title of Podcast, Type, Title of Show, Date, URL
Malcolm, Lynne. 2018. "Tripping for Depression." All in the Mind. Audio podcast. ABC Radio
National. Sydney: ABC.
Enter the title of the episode in the
Title of Podcast field
Enter the title of the series in the Title
of Show field
Enter Podcast audio in the Type field
Enter Episode # (if applicable)
followed by full stop before Podcast
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Press Release
Press release
Author, Year, Title, Date, Type of Work, URL
Birmingham, Simon. 2017. "Tens of Thousands of Preschoolers to Learn a Language in
2017." Media release, January 9, 2017.
Enter the release type in the Type of
Work field e.g. Media release, Press
release etc.
Reference type Report
Government or
organisation report
Author, Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Accession Number, DOI or URL
AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). 2015. Emergency Department Care 2014-
15: Australian Hospital Statistics. Cat. No. HSE 168. Canberra: AIHW.
Enter the report or catalogue number
in the Accession Number field
Company annual report
Author, Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, DOI or URL
Qantas. 2015. A Strong, Sustainable Future: Qantas Annual Report 2015. Sydney, NSW:
Australian Bureau of
Author, Year, Title, Accession Number, Place Published, Publisher, URL
ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). 2014. Australian Labour Market Statistics. Cat. No.
6105.0. Canberra, ACT: ABS.[email protected]/mf/6105.0
The ABS is well known by its initials, so
enter ABS (Australian Bureau of
Statistics), in the Author field. This will
affect your in-text citations which you
will need to correct
manually (p. 3)
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Social Media
Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter
Username, Year, Post Text, Handle, Provider, Post Date, URL
Obama, Barack (@barackobama). 2018. “During my presidency, I started a tradition of
sharing my reading lists and play lists.” Facebook, January 1, 2018.
O’Brien, Conan (@ConanOBrien). 2015. “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets.”
Twitter, April 22, 2015, 11:10 a.m.
Souza, Pete (@petesouza). 2018. “A loving touch.” Instagram photo, February 8, 2018.
Enter the platform in the Provider
field e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Record Month and Day of post in Post
Date field.
EndNote will automatically display the
post text in headline-style
capitalisation. You will need to correct
this manually (p.3) to
follow the style
of capitalisation used in the post.
Reference type Standard
Institution, Year, Title, Publisher, Accession Number, URL
Standards Australia. 2009. Wire-rope Slings: Product Specification. AS 1666.1-2009. SAI
Record the standard number in the
Accession Number field
Reference type Statute
Act of Parliament
Name of Act, Code, Sections, URL
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) s.40.
Enter the jurisdiction abbreviation in
the Code field e.g. Cth
Enter s. space # in the Sections field
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Television Episode
TV series episode
Producer, Year, Title, Episode Title, Location, Distributor, Medium.
Bender, Jack, 2016. “The Door.” Season 6, Episode 5. Game of Thrones. Television program.
New York: HBO.
The individual(s) primarily responsible
for the work (e.g. writer, director,
makeup artist, or lighting etc.) should
be recorded in the Producer field.
Enter Television program in the
Medium field.
Reference type Thesis
Author, Year, Title, Place Published, Thesis Type, DOI or URL
Ling, Justin. 2015. Lords and Ladies of the Modern Age.Masters thesis, Mills College.
Enter the name of the University or
College in the Place Published field
Enter the type of thesis e.g. Master’s
thesis or PhD diss. in the Thesis Type
Reference type Unpublished Work
Author, Year, Title of Work, Type of Work, URL
Bloom, Paul. 2016. Lecture 2 Foundations: This Is Your Brain.PowerPoint slides.
Record the lecture format in the Type
of Work field e.g. PowerPoint slides,
iLecture etc.
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Reference Type
EndNote fields + Reference example
Reference type Web Page
Webpage on a website
Author, Year, Title, Publisher, Access Year, Access Date, URL
Department of Education and Training. 2016. Improving Australian and European Mobility.
Australian Government.
Eye Pop: The Celebrity Gaze.” 2015. National Portrait Gallery.
Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority. n.d. Elizabeth Quay.Government of Western
Australia. Accessed March 8, 2016.
Enter the owning organisation in the n
Publisher field
If there is no author leave this field
blank. You can add a Short Title (e.g.
Eye Pop) for the webpage which will
become your in-text citation
If there is no date for the webpage,
enter n.d. in Year and include an
Access Year and Access Date
Entire website
Author, Year, Series Title, URL
Government of Western Australia. n.d. Perth Zoo. Accessed March 20, 2017.
Enter the title of the website in the
Series Title field
If there is no date for the website,
enter n.d. in Year and include an
Access Year and Access Date